Event Details

This event is running from 24 April 2023 until 30 October 2024. It is next occurring on August 21, 2024 12:00 pm

Greetings! You are receiving this today as an invitation to join me at the Club for our Lunch & Learn Program and tour of our Clubhouse. Lunch & Learn is from 12 to 1pm and held on the following days:

  • Jan 31
  • Feb 21
  • Apr 24
  • May 22
  • Aug 21
  • Oct 30

We typically host six to fifteen guests and Lunch & Learn has been well received by those who have joined us this year. A light lunch is provided along with a 40 minute presentation on our mission, services, programs, and opportunities for future engagement.

Thank you for your advocacy for all Morgan County youth, and for the support you have given the Boys & Girls Club of Morgan County. II am excited by the prospect of seeing you, sharing the story of the Club, and touching on how we all can make a difference in the lives of more local youths and families.

If joining me at the Club sounds intriguing to you, I look forward to meeting you and sharing more about our noble and vital mission. Please RSVP by calling me at 317-834-9744 or via email at ctann@bgcofmorganco.org. Looking forward to hearing from you!

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